Ben & Lauren Habig

Habig Livestock is owned and operated by Ben & Lauren Habig in Park City, MT. We recently made a BIG move and relocated from Weatherford, TX to Montana!

Habig Livestock Goats

Our Backgrounds

Ben owns and operates Habig Livestock, which since moving to Montana is still changing and growing! The newest project is prescribed grazing goats for weed control south of Livingston, MT. He also manages the livestock guardian dogs, which are utilized to protect the sheep & goats.

Lauren is currently a senior financial analyst for CHS Inc. over their Mankato, MN Soybean Crush & Refinery facility. Overseeing inventory, expense management, all capital projects, and process improvements.

Prior to moving to Montana, Habig Livestock ran a commercial meat goat herd alongside cattle with LGDs for a little over 5 years. Between August of 2022 and spring of 2024, Ben worked for Henry & Sara Hollenbeck in Molt, MT, learning all about wool sheep in Montana, sheep feedlot operations, and managed sheep grazing projects.

How We Became Interested in Regenerative Ag

Several years ago Ben began reading and researching about regenerative agriculture, opening his eyes to the opportunities it provided. It was regenerative agriculture’s out-of-the-box thinking that allowed Ben to see the opportunity with small ruminants. Eventually, this led to us both attending the Ranching for Profit school and subsequently joining their Executive Link business board.